Mish Mosh is designed to be simple and user friendly. Download Mish Mosh and follow these steps to get started.

  • Visit the App Store or Google Play and download Mish Mosh

    Open the app

    Select Enter AR to open the camera view

    Point at a Mish Mosh trigger


  • Select the pin icon at the top-right of the app

    The map will open, centered on your current location

    AR experiences are marked on the map with pins

    Pinch the screen to zoom in and out

  • Select the hamburger menu at the top-left of the app

    Select Whats On to see what’s happening

  • Augmented Reality can be absorbing - please be aware of your surrounding when using Mish Mosh

  • Email us for app support and questions about Mish Mosh


Expect the unexpected